Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cheers and Jeers: Flaming Dr. Pepper Edition

Flaming Dr. Pepper
- 1/2 Pint Beer- preferably a lager
- 1 shot amaretto
- Bacardi 151 (or any substitutable liquor with high enough proof)
- fire
- love (the secret ingredient is always love)

Well folks I'm back baby. After time in Italy and other parts unmentionable I have returned to reclaim cheers and jeers and participate in our wonderful online community. While I was gone I introduced our Atlantic cousins to the concept of the flaming dr. pepper. Now while Bacardi 151 isn't really available in Europe, we did find wonderful substitutes like: ouzo, kerosene, nothing, etc. Great times. Anyway here's a little cheering and jeerings

To all-star fever. Of all sports selection for the baseball all-star team seems to be the most important. This year the Tribe have two great starting pitching nominees who I as a cheerer whole hardly support (Carmona and Sabathia)

To the basketball trade fever. Nothing is getting done. Nobody will be traded. I haven't seen this much huffing and puffing signifying nothing since Publius threatened me with a ham sandwich. I've been in Italy (read where deli's go to die). After seeing prosciutto, ham holds no fear.

Sosa hitting 600 home runs. Yawn.

To golf testing for steriods. Its about time. All that 'roid rage was taking away from the finer points of golf.

GQ + Jessica Biel = reason to go to the beach. Also to carry duct tape.

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