Monday, December 13, 2004

So your rebuilding a team

So your rebuilding a team....This is the second time the New Cleveland Browns will have to completely rebuild so let's get a few pieces of advice out of the way.

Things that you probably should avoid when rebuild:
1) Don't hire Butch Davis
2) Draft Talent
3) Don't hire Butch Davis
4) Avoid costly free agent veterans. Rarely do they work out and typically they don't do much better than a rookie. Sure Terrel Owens worked out but how's Oakland doing with Warren Sapp. Avoid the golden oldie...
5) Rename your team so that it does not include "Cleveland". Apparently Cleveland teams just cant win

Besides that I have no comment on baseball. Its a farce. The cities of New York, LA and Chicago have bought up all the talent again, with a few crumbs going to the lucky few (Seattle, Arizona). However once again we basically know who are the top 3-4 teams who will be in the World Series. If people stop paying attention to it, maybe the problems of finance and steriods will be cleaned up. As such effectively immediately I am on strike against baseball.

Basketball... the free agent aquisition of the year so far has been...Danny Fortson. He has anchored the Sonics run at the top with hard nosed defense and rebounding. Trade of the year so far has been Phoenix getting Steve Nash.

College Football...Glad to see Ty landed on his feet (so to speak) in Washington. I'll be shocked if Notre Dame does any better next year and you know what...they deserve it.

College Basketball....ACC season starts soon and if anyone wants to watch good basketball...tune into ACC Sundays on Foxsports. Its going to be amazing.

1 comment:

Gutsy Goldberg said...

Steve Nash was also a free agent pickup.
I would follow Ty Willingham into battle anyday. You know what else? Washington plays Notre Dame next year! I hope Ty gets some sweet revenge and makes them look silly.