Thursday, February 17, 2005

I Should be a TV Executive

It's time to start making my pitch to be a TV Excutive. Here's some analysis:

TV Note 1
First off, TNT is airing a one-on-one NBA All-star event as Mr. Anonymous has told me. Is this a tournament of NBA stars, competing in a March Madness tournament?
Probably not, considering the event isn't even listed on I'm intrigued. You should be too, it airs Saturday at 5PM on TNT. If this is a pre-recorded event of LeBron playing video games with his friends from 3 weeks ago, I will be disappointed.

TV Note 2
If I was running an NBA 1-on-1 event, I'd have a Little Man Region, and a Big Man Region. My dream final: Earl (5'5") Boykins vs. Amare (6'11") Stoudemire. Or maybe we'd have to do a Little Man, Shooting Guard, Swing Man, and Big Man Region (6'9" and above). Depends on how many we can get to play. I tell you what, THIS would get ratings! First to 5, by ones, twos, and a 5-point MTV 'ballers spot at the halfcourt mark.

TV Note 3
Baseball is suffering through some "who did it" problems. More like "who didn't do it". I have a solution. A reality show, with 25 Major Leaguers. Each week, they compete for immunity from the Ultimate Truth Test, which will determine whether they did steroids or not [I hope modern science can do this]. The motto for the show: "Only 3 of these MLB Players are steroid free. But 5 will win!" That's right, we will only eliminate 20 users, leaving 2 users as winners, since no one will know that they use steroids. This gives incentives for people to go on the show who use steroids, because they too can win! I'm talking to you Barry Bonds.

TV Note 4
Ode to Mark Price- A great B-ball player. Didn’t think he could be any worse than Cavs announcer Austin Carr. Carr rambles on about a specific moment of a play and ends up skipping over the commentary for the next 8 points. He’s eccentric, and just a terrible announcer. This season, they hired Mark Price. As a player, Price was fantastic. My favorite player. Met him on my 14th birthday, which I still think was my greatest birthday present ever. But Price is even worse than Carr. Unimaginable. Price is about as exciting as a plain white undershirt. Price talks softly, for the first 15 minutes of his first game, 90% of the audience didn't even know there was a color-man doing the game. Price also has a characteristic that is unbelievable - he NEVER gets excited about anything. For example, "LeBron just dunked the ball. Fans of the NBA like this." If only he could return to his playing days.

Quote of the week, courtesy of Mr. Anonymous's daily calendar:

Seattle Supersonics center Jerome James, responding to a complaint by his coach that he was selfish:
“I don’t have the first clue who he is talking about because all I worry about is Jerome.”


Anonymous said...

Quite the journalistic faux pas, Gusty Goldberg -- always cite your sources. It's just a way to maintain your credibility as a respectible, uh, blogger. If we can't hold bloggers to the highest standards, than what do we have left as a society. Honestly.

I believe that I, Anonymous, aided you in your most recent article not once, but twice. For this, I deserve to be credited in a reduced-sized font, possible even italicized, footnote. Please leave the serifs in, too. They make my name look better.

Mighty Mike said...

1) The One on One TNT bit are a series of interviews not games.

2) I agree you should give more dap to A. Nonymous. At the rate he's making witty comments, the board may have no choice but to replace you with him.