Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jerry Jones Tops Himself

I didn't think it was possible for a picture to exist in which Jerry Jones wasn't the most hated person in it. Well Jerry was able to do the impossible and find someone even more hated. I tried to imagine what the two of them talked about but then I threw up a little in my mouth....

H/T Deadspin


MJ said...

JJ: Wull hullo thur, Mister Presdunt!

GWB: Hullo Jerry. Say, thanks fur invitin' me n' mah wahf. Everywhur else we go, they throw garbudge aht us...

By the way, how chummy do you have to be with the ex-leader of the free world to engage in an informal bro-shake such as the one depicted in the picture? You know what that tells me? That Jerry Jones is indeed the anti-Christ. You can't be friends with George Bush in good conscience unless you're a sick bastard.

Joltin' Django said...

You can't be friends with George Bush in good conscience unless you're a sick bastard.

You know, it's because of such left-wing jackassery that President B. Hussein Obama has suffered the worst slide in popularity of any first-year president since polling began. And, again, because of such left-wing jackassery, Democrats are going to get their collective arses handed to 'em in the 2010 elections. THAT's probably what Jerry and George are smiling about (and has me smiling as well)! So there.