Thursday, January 22, 2009

Irony or Hypocrisy? Both?

I'm divided on which this story falls in. The NCAA is considering shrinking the time window for underclassmen to declare the draft. In effect make the students' lives harder to make paid coaches life easier when it comes to recruiting as they would have more time to pick up players if someone leaves early. Nevermind that the biggest career decision of a players life has to be made at break neck speed what about those poor big time coaches and university. In particular this proposed change is being pushed by the ACC who submitted its own proposal to force students hands. As Seth Davis correctly put it

Perhaps the ultimate irony in all of this is that, when the NCAA's Division I Legislative Council was asked last week to vote yea or nay on this proposal , they elected to put off their decision for another two months so they could gather more information. That's understandable. After all, these folks have a big choice to make here. Who can blame them if they don't want to be rushed?

Hmm probably both...

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