Sunday, May 04, 2008

Strong Men Also Cry...strong men also cry

What makes a man a man? Is it being prepared to do the right thing, whatever the cost? Isn't that what makes a man? I have bested competitors. I have punched a Ravens fan in the ear with a seashell. I have laid a flaming bag of dog poo on Peter King's lawn. And here I sit in seclusion in the East Wing.

Are you surprised at my tears, sir? Strong men also cry....strong men also cry.

Why you ask? It was a tough weekend of sports. Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby ran the race of her short filly life but came up just short . However as she crossed the finish line she managed to snap both her front legs. Yes the same fatal injury that eventually claimed Barbaro. It wasn't too long ago that I could cheer for horse racing. Majestic animals. Midgets. Gambling. It had it all. But instead I get a horrific accident, a euthanasia and a dead animal. Well no more horse racing for me. While I am a strong man...strong men also cry.

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