Friday, June 17, 2005

John Rocker Part Deux

I'm all for people having a right to express their opinion but when will athletes learn? The latest one to shoot himself in the foot is Carl Everett who provided Maxim magazine with these little pearls of wisdom:

1) "Gays being gay is wrong. Two women can't produce a baby, two men can't produce a baby, so it's not how it's supposed to be. ... I don't believe in gay marriages. I don't believe in being gay."

I personally find this sentiment abhorrent but it's probably the most defensible since, unfortunately there are many Americans who feel the way Everett does. But let's see who else inspires his ire...

2) "Fan is short for fanatic — he's crazy about something he really doesn't know about," Everett reportedly told the magazine. "And it's proven that 99 percent of baseball fans have no idea what they're watching."

This one's a little more curious. I don't follow the White Sox so maybe there's a back story here I don't know about but I'm assuming Everett's not a fan favorite? I'm particularly interested in seeing more about the study that proves that 99% of fans know nothing about baseball. Does anyone happen to know where that was published?

Everett's comments about blowing up Wrigley and not believing in dinosaurs made me chuckle and I was just about to write him off as a complete wacko until he said this about the recent congressional hearings on steroids: "We have a war going on — I have family in that war — yet we're talking about steroids. If everybody in the world got on steroids, we'll still lose more kids to a war than we will from steroids." Those comments are sure to be lost among the gay-bashing and fan-bashing but they are about the most intelligent commentary I've heard from a ballplayer on the topic. Too bad he has to be such an ignorant prick about everything else.


MJ said...

See, I agree with everything Carl Everett said. I'd vote for someone like that. Oops, I did, back in 2000. One of the biggest mistakes of my life, it turns out.

Carl Everett is one of a long line of absolute morons in professional sports that should have no right to speak their minds. I don't believe in free speech. You should have a minimum IQ of 50 and less than 8 children with 6 women if you want to have rights in my utopia. That would probably disqualify 75% of the NBA, all boxers and a good number of professional baseball players.

I'm not the most PC guy out there, as you can tell. It just pisses me off that a fool like Everett has the same rights as I do. He's barely competent enough to produce coherent syllables, why should he have a public voice to express his shitty views?

Mighty Mike said...

"Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that."

-Homer J. Simpson

MJ said...

Why are athletes ever questioned about everything other than the sport they play? Does anyone care what Carl Everett has to say on social issues, politics, or anything else that doesn't have to do with hitting a ball with a stick? Obviously reporters know that asking touchy questions to combustible athletes makes for good headlines but shouldn't there also be some level of journalistic integrity in play here? Why even give opportunity to a moron who you know will spout out shit?

I also have to decry MLB for being too PC in handling Carl Everett. John Rocker was all but tarred and feathered for his outbursts and was effectively banned from the game. Why isn't the same harsh justice being metted for this ignoramus?

Hitman said...

John Rocker made his disparaging remarks about people who have been accepted (legally, at least) as equals. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, or one's train line.

Ah, but Carl Everett picked gay people. We don't have universal laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation - and we don't have laws against idiocy, either. The rest of what Everett said may be offensive but well within his First Amendment rights. MLB can't punish him.

MJ said...

Rocker's comments included gays when he spoke about AIDS patients.

MLB should put out a statement completely ripping Everett the way they did with Rocker.

God, the last thing I want to do is sound like I'm an advocate of Rocker's but fair is fair. If Selig is going to rip one he's got to rip the other.