Friday, April 15, 2005

New England Safari

If anyone with an adventurous spirit wants to go to Africa on safari to check out wild animals, may I recommend a more affordable alternative -- New England. Specifically, if you'd like to observe the uncivilized plains and the untamed beasts, stop by Fenway Park. You might see drunken louts and savage fools and if you're really lucky, you might see them trying to kill one another.

For all the Yankee haters out there, I present something worse. Exhibit A: the complete imbecilic nature of the New England sports fan. Lets not confuse zeal for mental retardation, fellas.


Mighty Mike said...

For the record props to Sheffield for having some modicum of restraint. Well at least New Englander's are not throwing flares at the opposing team (like in Italy)

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