Friday, April 11, 2008

I Smell A Crook...

Although I’m not a blind supporter of all labor unions, I’m as pro-labor as they come when we’re talking about the sports leagues (NFL/MLB/NBA). When the head of a player’s union is fighting to keep his job, however, there is something about that which strikes me as unseemly. Somehow I don’t trust a guy who is supposed to be an advocate for his players who fights too hard to hang on to a well-paying job.

Gene Upshaw has done some good things for the NFL Players Association. But he’s also demonstrated a very dark side in how he relates to former players (his peers from his playing days, incidentally) and I’m beginning to wonder if Upshaw isn’t more enamored with the power and the lifestyle than he is with doing his job on behalf of the people who pay his salary.

I just don’t trust this guy...

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