Friday, March 30, 2007

Beer Draft

I'd like to thank all those who participated in the Beer Draft. The thought of stealing a great idea from KSK couldn't be passed up. The category was broad but encouraged reaching down into great micros and personally I'm going to try a few of the picks upon my next jaunt to the booze store.

Ways to narrow down the draft: fictional beers (Schmidt's Gay, Duff, etc) but that might tiresome, macro/domestic only but then we'd be fighting over Panther Piss aka Rolling Rock.

1) Enjoys Micros: If I had another round, I'd select Alagash (maine).
2) Enjoys Belgians... not so much Germans. Imagine that, a blog mainly populated by non-Gentiles does not care for German beers??!?! Watch out, if you do not play nice those Germans will take you on vacation. We were invited... punch was served, ASK POLAND.
3) Major preference for dark beers minus MJ's insistence on drinking urine colored beer. Red Stripe was a steal in Round 5. Good call.
4) Major preference for beer with heavy alcohol content. OLE... oddly related, Gutsy has an odd fetish for 90210 girls (This may be related to drinking beer with heavy alcohol content).
5) I almost selected Dueff- from Sweden. Wait, no... Red Tick Beer. It's bold, refreshing and needs more dog.
Next Mock Draft will include 2 hour time clock so the draft does not take all week. Topics for the next draft? Thoughts? Other contributors who wish to be a part of the next draft haloscan comments and Mighty will send me your email.

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