Friday, March 16, 2007

Cheers and Jeers: Irish Coffee Edition

Cheers and Jeers: Irish Coffee Edition


Mixing instructions:

Combine whiskey, sugar and coffee in mug and stir to dissolve. Float cold cream gently on top. Do not mix.

Let the Madness begin. This cheers and jeers edition will be short because soon I’ll be skipping out of work and going to watch the noon games. This is what happens when the only employees at work today are under the age of 35.

Cheers: To Walter Cronkite pronouncing Duke Dead. Learn to shot a freaking free-throw and go home. This is why Duke sucks.

When asked about comparing VCU to George Mason, VCU coach Anthony Grant responded: "We're trying to be VCU," said Grant, an assistant on Florida's national championship team last season. "What Mason did last year was great and special. But right now, we're very happy being VCU." Well said Coach. Good luck versus Pitt.

My final four: Kansas, Florida, A+M, and Georgetown

Jeers: No jeering this week. The editor will ask for BSD to submit jeers on haloscan because: a) I’m going on vacation, b) its March madness, c) it’s almost St. Patty’s Day.

Cheers: To the madness and the slopes.

Top 3 links of the week (plus the Duke Sucks rap video)

A) Bikini Contest goes terribly wrong

B) Mock Drafts on KSK: Actions Scenes. Damn I love the Helicopter scene from Apocalypse Now

C) The Top Ten Fat Guys

The single most disturbing link is right here. This may be the most frightening thing since the Hot Karl (rumored to have been first performed by Karl Hungus) guide.

My next door neighbor does not look like this. I’m pissed.

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