Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can someone please explain this to me?

I dont get it. I just read this article on espn.com

It is written by a lifelong browns fans is about 30 years old. His name is Geoff LaTulippe. There are many things wrong with this.
1. "Jeff" is not spelled with a G and there is no "O" anywhere in the name. That is a horrible way to spell it. It's like the bizarro Jeff. I mean come on.
2. His last name is LaTulippe. That is french for "the tulip". No way that guy is a sports fan. And that can't be his real name. Unless he is a Pink Panther villian, a 1970s canadian hockey player, or Gerard Depardieu's co-star, that name is made up.
3. Aside from me hating this guy's name, i hate his article. And of course, its out of pure jealousy. The guy gets to write an article about how the browns have sucked for 20 years, but he still loves them anyway and has hope yet. WHAT THE HELL! I write that everyday, and I aint getting no pay from ESPN. (probably because of my horrible grammar, see previous sentence). This type of writing passes for ESPN page 2 material? You can get paid for that? This guy must have some connections, or have some compromising photos of Chris Berman, otherwise we should all be working for ESPN.
Can someone explain this to me?

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