Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thanksgiving: My Favorite Holiday

Back Seat Drivers now comes with polls. Check out the Daily/Weekly poll on the sidebar below the archives. Today's/this week's poll is on Thanksgiving. Any future requests on polls to be posted please e-mail to the webmaster (me).

Well my favorite holiday is probably Thanksgiving (although Diorama-rama is a close second). The food, strangely the family, the movies and most importantly the sports. What's better than after watching a great football game, sitting down to a giant turkey, knowing full well that at the end you can scurry with a plate of stuffing to watch more football. Football should be watched either a) in a hyperventilitating/belicose manner or b) in a near comatose, lying on the couch barely having the strength to hit the mute button when Shannon Sharpe is about to speak manner. Thanksgiving and the wonderful drugs found in turkey lead one to embrace the "B" method of watching football. Luckily this year not only is there a good football game (Denver v. Dallas) but an outstanding basketball game (Indiana v. Cleveland). While early in the year the Cavs can put announce themselves as a legitimate contender for the Central Division and even the Eastern Conference with a prime time win. Yes its runaway optimism, yep its early but nothing would be better than pumpkin pie, a Denver loss and a Cleveland victory.

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