Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cheers and Jeers: Southern Comfort Version

We are here the Back Seat Drivers give a lot of attention to the East Coast and the Midwest but somewhere along the way we tend to ignore our Southern breathren. Have no fear Cheers and Jeers is going to shower a little attention on doings in Dixieland.

To Julio Franco (currently playing for the Atlanta Braves) turning 47. This man has played in more countries, on more teams, with more hairstyles than possibly anyone in baseball history. He's the energizer bunny. Currently he holds the record for oldest man ever to hit a grand slam. At the rate I'm going I'm going to be lucky to be walking when I'm his age let alone playing professional baseball. If someone combined Franco's DNA with Keith Richard's DNA the result would be an indestructable human.

To radical cleric Pat Robertson, who a few days ago issued a fatwa, calling for the assianation of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. After previously praying for a Supreme Court Justice to die and claiming feminism causes women to kill their kids I'm not suprised. But one day I'd like to wake up and find Pat making a non-offensive or even sales pitch prayer like "I call on all of my supporters to try Wendy's Spicey Chicken Sandwhich...they're great"

To Bob Huggins getting the boot (via either firing or resigning). For those that are unaware Cincinnati retractively seceeded from the Union to join the South. Huggins ran his basketball program like it was in the SEC (i.e. as long as the player was good who carried if they assaulted people, drove drunk, couldn't read). Hopefully Huggins will be replaced by a good coach.

To Lee Suggs (graduate of V-Tech) being hurt again. The off injured Cleveland Browns running back is hurt. Again. We want you to do well Lee but these injuries are starting to take a toll on your fan base.

To the ACC testing out instant replay. I knew my support of instant replay would pay off. Now they just need to use it in ACTUAL GAMES! Also why test it out on a Duke football scrimmage? Honestly shouldn't they try videotaping actual football players instead of Duke's?

To Michigan. Yes I know its not in the South but geography was never one of OSU's strengths.

1 comment:

Gutsy Goldberg said...

That pesky Pat Robertson is always so negative. How sweet would it be to see him promoting something he likes? Like, "Pat Robertson always smokes cigarettes." He'd be a great anti-spokesperson. Then the narrator would say, "Pat Robertson also happens to be a racist."