Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Livan the Glove Home

After a much heated discussion on the MVP, I figured I would rant about the state of affairs with fans in MLB. I just read this story on Livan Hernandez and the fact that he wouldn't "pay" a fan for his glove back at 18K, season tickets and playoff tickets this year. Here is the story...

Dumbass Fan

This is one of the greediest story I have ever heard. Why do we as fans feel entitled to give players their equipment back for a price? If I was Livan I would have offered him to sacrifice a chicken for JooBo. Shouldn't we just root on our team and hope for the best for that player instead of asking for a price on their equipment. If this was Livan's lucky glove that he won the 97 WS with, then why not just give it back to him and hope for the best in his next outing. Even though 18K is probably what he gets for sneezing in the clubhouse, it is absolutely ridiculous to feel entitled to it just for being the lucky person who catches the glove. We as fans have gotten to the point where there is a price for everything and just need to enjoy the games.

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