Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Comments Update

Dear All,
The IT department has set up a new system for doing comments via a company known haloscan. As such comments can be viewed in a pop up screen and are no longer handled by the previous blogspot code. This way of commenting will allow anyone to comment (i.e. even non-contributors) but should keep spammers out (he said with crossed fingers). It can also track if anyone out there is linking to our little online magazine. Please let me know if you guys like this new system by comments or e-mail.

While on a non-sports I just wanted to point out that blogging is becoming more dangerous these days with employers often searching personal blogs and using that information to fire/not hire people. Not to be a bummer but there's a good reason many of us here go by nicknames and I just ask everyone here to avoid using full names at all times. Thanks.

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